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Text File  |  1979-12-31  |  4.6 KB  |  202 lines

  1. "abase"
  2. "to humiliate"
  3. "He feels bad about failing the"
  4. "test; don't abase him by talking"
  5. "about it."
  6. "It is not necessary to _____ and"
  7. "humiliate the witness with further"
  8. "questioning."
  9. "atrophy"
  10. "to waste away"
  11. "Muscles will atrophy if they are"
  12. "not used for some time."
  13. ""
  14. "Exercise regularly so that your"
  15. "muscles will not _______ or waste"
  16. "away."
  17. "caulk"
  18. "to make watertight"
  19. "We must caulk the boat before we"
  20. "take it out this weekend."
  21. ""
  22. "What will you use to _____ around"
  23. "the sink to make it watertight?"
  24. ""
  25. "coagulate"
  26. "to thicken and clot"
  27. "In a healthy person, the blood will"
  28. "coagulate quickly after a cut."
  29. ""
  30. "Hemophilia is a disease in which"
  31. "the blood fails to _________ properly."
  32. ""
  33. "dissipate"
  34. "to scatter wastefully"
  35. "Don't dissipate your resources by"
  36. "spending money foolishly."
  37. ""
  38. "Conserve your energy; don't _________"
  39. "it before the big tennis match."
  40. ""
  41. "elucidate"
  42. "to make clear; to explain"
  43. "I hope the teacher will elucidate"
  44. "further so that I can understand"
  45. "these directions."
  46. "Please ask the witness to _________"
  47. "or explain."
  48. ""
  49. "equivocate"
  50. "to purposely mislead"
  51. "Don't equivocate; tell me exactly"
  52. "what he said."
  53. ""
  54. "She was trying to __________ by"
  55. "using those misleading terms."
  56. ""
  57. "extemporize"
  58. "to speak without preparation"
  59. "* is comfortable with"
  60. "public speaking and loves to"
  61. "extemporize."
  62. "He was a popular after dinner"
  63. "speaker, often called upon to"
  64. "___________."
  65. "fell"
  66. "to knock down; to cut down"
  67. "The loggers worked hard to fell the"
  68. "trees in the forest."
  69. ""
  70. "The lumberjack entered a contest to"
  71. "see how fast he could ____ a tree."
  72. ""
  73. "genuflect"
  74. "to kneel"
  75. "The faithful woman remembered to"
  76. "genuflect as she entered the church"
  77. "for worship."
  78. "To _________ is a sign of reverence"
  79. "in worship."
  80. ""
  81. "gyrate"
  82. "to move in a circle"
  83. "The audience watched the dancers"
  84. "gyrate and twirl."
  85. ""
  86. "The little boy watched his top"
  87. "______ and spin."
  88. ""
  89. "immunize"
  90. "to protect against disease"
  91. "There will be a clinic next Friday"
  92. "to immunize preschoolers against"
  93. "measles."
  94. "If you get a puncture wound, you"
  95. "may need a booster shot to ________"
  96. "you against tetanus."
  97. "ingratiate"
  98. "to work into favor with another"
  99. "The man tried to ingratiate himself"
  100. "by buying the girl presents."
  101. ""
  102. "The speaker tried to warm up the"
  103. "crowd and __________ himself by"
  104. "telling them stories and jokes."
  105. "inhibit"
  106. "to check or restrain"
  107. "Don't let shyness inhibit you from"
  108. "making new friends."
  109. ""
  110. "I think we can _______ the spread"
  111. "of the disease with this therapy."
  112. ""
  113. "laud"
  114. "to praise"
  115. "The principal will laud *'s           "
  116. "accomplishments at the assembly"
  117. "tomorrow."
  118. "The booster club will ____ the"
  119. "football team for their winning"
  120. "season."
  121. "mince"
  122. "to cut up into small pieces"
  123. "Don't forget to mince the onion for"
  124. "the chili."
  125. ""
  126. "She will _____ the vegetables so"
  127. "that her baby can eat them easily."
  128. ""
  129. "ostracize"
  130. "to exclude"
  131. "Don't ostracize the new boy; make"
  132. "him feel welcome."
  133. ""
  134. "The man just paroled from jail was"
  135. "afraid that people would _________"
  136. "him and not welcome him back."
  137. "perorate"
  138. "to speak at length"
  139. "Our teacher likes to perorate on the"
  140. "benefits of neatness."
  141. ""
  142. "The politician will ________ for hours"
  143. "on the merits of his term in office."
  144. ""
  145. "peruse"
  146. "to read carefully"
  147. "Peruse the question before you"
  148. "answer it."
  149. ""
  150. "The teacher will ______ your final"
  151. "essay before deciding upon your"
  152. "semester grade."
  153. "ratify"
  154. "to approve"
  155. "We need three more votes to ratify"
  156. "that bill."
  157. ""
  158. "Several states have failed to ______"
  159. "the Equal Rights Amendment."
  160. ""
  161. "resuscitate"
  162. "to revive"
  163. "* took life-saving classes"
  164. "and learned how to resuscitate a"
  165. "drowning victim."
  166. "The paramedics worked to ___________"
  167. "the accident victim."
  168. ""
  169. "simulate"
  170. "to falsely give the appearance of"
  171. "The stage set for the play was"
  172. "designed to simulate a street in"
  173. "New York City."
  174. "It is possible to ________ a diamond"
  175. "with a less expensive stone."
  176. ""
  177. "suture"
  178. "to stitch a wound together"
  179. "The wound was severe, and the"
  180. "physician had to suture it."
  181. ""
  182. "One of the skills a surgeon must"
  183. "learn is to ______ neatly and quickly."
  184. ""
  185. "underwrite"
  186. "to agree to finance"
  187. "Large corporations often underwrite"
  188. "cultural events as a public service."
  189. ""
  190. "Dr. Jones has offered to __________"
  191. "the cost of the symphony concert."
  192. ""
  193. "yaw"
  194. "to change course or direction"
  195. "The sailor acted to correct his"
  196. "course when his boat began to yaw."
  197. ""
  198. "A sudden gust of wind caused the"
  199. "boat to ___ to the left."
  200. ""
  201. to correct his"
  202. "course when his boat